Mental Illness Fellowship of Western Australia (MIFWA) is a community mental health provider. We are here for people and/or families experiencing a serious mental illness.
As a small team of experienced and dedicated people, we provide understanding, information and practical support.
In this series, we’re introducing you to some of the MIFWA team. Hear about why people choose to work with us, hear about some of the challenges and opportunities, and learn more about support work and its critical place in our organisation.
My name is Hannah. I’m an EIRP/NDIS Community Mental Health Worker at MIFWA and have been with the team for over four weeks.
As a Community Mental Health Worker, I support people to live life the way they want to, and to make choices about their life that are best for them.
What attracted you to work with MIFWA?
I was attracted to work with MIFWA as I loved their mission and what they stood for as an organisation. It is a real privilege to be a part of the team.
My first impression is that MIFWA really care for not only the people they support but their staff too. I feel welcome and supported in my role. I also found the recruitment and onboarding process efficient and informative. Any questions or concerns were always answered and addressed promptly.
I felt like I’d been a part of the team for months, not days. I didn’t feel awkward at any time being in the office. Everyone was so friendly and happy to help.
Can you describe some of the challenges you have faced in your time at MIFWA?
I am new to support work.
Working with people in the community is something I had always wanted to do but when you come into a new role you never truly know what to expect. There have been times where I have had lots of questions about my new role or a situation has occurred that is really different from anything I have ever faced but no matter what, I have felt confident I can reach out to my coordinators and they will assist and support me with anything I need.
Why do you think it is important that MIFWA promotes mental health awareness in the wider community?
Mental health awareness is important so people within our community have a better understanding of mental health, mental illness and how to seek help and support for someone they may know or even themselves.
I think MIFWA’s social media platforms are a fantastic way to promote mental health awareness to the wider community. There are also a lot of online tools that can assist people and their mental health, especially during COVID-19.
Describe your experience of working with MIFWA in 3 words.
Supportive, encouraging and welcoming!
Is Community Mental Health Work a great role for you?
Take our quiz to understand if you are a great fit for a Community Mental Health Work in the NDIS.