Access helpful supports
The list includes the names and phone numbers of various services and organisations that offer help and support directly to people affected by mental health challenges, and those who care for them.
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Download a list of Advocacy services in Perth metro
Advocacy Services in Perth metro
Uniting WA (Your Say): Promotes and protects the rights of people with disability and those who identify as having a mental health issue. Call 1300 663 298 or visit website
People with Disabilities WA: Advocates for the rights and empowering the voices of people with disability in Western Australia. Call 9420 7279 or visit website
Youth Legal Services: Confidential legal advice, financial counselling and representation in Children’s Court for young people (up to 25 years old). Call 9202 1688 or visit website
Sussex Street Community Law Services Inc. Individual Disability Advocacy Service (IDAS): Provides an NSDS-accredited advocacy services to people with disabilities, their family members and carers. Call 6253 9500 or visit website
Mental Health Advocacy Service: A free service supporting people who are receiving or referred for involuntary mental health treatment. Call 1800 999 057 or visit website
Southern Communities Advocacy Legal Education Service Inc. (SCALES): Provides free legal advice, information and representation to low-income people living in the Kwinana and Rockingham areas. Call 9550 0400 or visit website
Midlas: Community legal centre based in Midland, providing financial counselling, tenancy advocacy, disability advocacy and legal services to people in the North East Metro region of Perth. Call 9250 2123 or visit website
CoMHWA: Helps people with mental health challenges who face complex issues or unable to advocate for themselves (and do not have family, friends or peers who can support them as informal advocates) to access advocacy support. Call 08 9477 2809 or visit website
Helping Minds: Provides advocacy services for carers, ensuring their voices are heard when decisions are being made about the person they care for. Call 9477 2809 or visit website
Explorability: Advocacy for people with disability, their family and carers. Call 1800 290 690 or visit website
Kin Disability Advocacy: For people with disability from a culturally diverse background. Call 1800 659 921 or visit website
Mental Health Law Centre: Legal advice and representation for help people with chronic mental illness. Call 1800 620 285 or visit website
Health Consumers Council of WA: Supports anyone who has an issue in the WA Health System. Call 9221 3422 or visit website