As a community mental health provider, MIFWA is here for people and/or families experiencing a serious mental illness.
A small team of experienced and dedicated people, we provide understanding, information and practical support.
In this series, we’re continuing to introduce you to some of the MIFWA team, a team of passionate people focussed on supporting people who have experienced mental illness, as well as their families and carers.
I’m Lester, and I’ve worked with MIFWA for six years.
As an NDIS Coordinator, I oversee and coordinate direct support to participants, liaising with external stakeholders and reviewing the progress of individual NDIS plans, goals and support strategies.
What attracted you to work with MIFWA?
I did my prac with MIFWA about seven years ago. I was impressed by MIFWA’s person centred approach, the ‘can do attitude’ of staff, and the quality of service and leadership provided by Monique Williamson, their CEO, and the organisation as a whole. I also admired the way the staff and the leadership team embraced a holistic approach when supporting and advocating for MIFWA members/participants.
Since joining the team as an employee, I’ve been impressed by the level of professionalism, ability to provide positive constructive feedback through regular supervision, and their willingness to promote professional development and training.
Can you describe some of the challenges you have faced in your time at MIFWA?
I’ve held several positions during my six years with MIFWA.
Before taking on the role of NDIS Coordinator, I worked in the Partners in Recovery Program (PIR). Funding for the PIR Program concluded in June 2019 (this is common in the sector). It was a stressful time being unsure of whether I would have meaningful employment thereafter; through that period of uncertainty I was grateful for the support from MIFWA management and staff. They did everything in their power to keep me around and reassured me there was still a place for me within MIFWA. They also helped transition me whilst other opportunities were being explored. I am very grateful!
I’m excited about what the future holds with MIFWA and have ‘bought in’ to MIFWA’s vision moving forward.
‘A good life for individuals affected by mental health issues.’
Describe your experience of working with MIFWA in 3 words.
Rewarding, Community, Inclusion.
Working with MIFWA
Learn more about why people choose to work with us and about peer work and the critical role it plays in our organisation.