25 May 2022
2:00 - 3:00pm
Online via Zoom
Join Monique Williamson, CEO of the Mental Illness Fellowship of WA (MIFWA), and a representative of Peer Workers to explore the role of peer work as a fundamental tool in connecting people with HOPE as part of our annual Schizophrenia Awareness Week campaign.
In this one-hour webinar, we’ll cover the following topics:
- Why is HOPE important (how do we foster it in people who feel it is displaced)
- What is peer work?
- Why does peer work matter?
- Hear from peers as they share their experiences on the role hope plays in the recovery journey
When: 2:00 pm, Wednesday 25 May 2022
Where: Online via Zoom (you will receive the link closer to the date)
Cost: Free
For further information, call 9237 8900 or email us at events@mifwa.org.au.