Ann has a long association with MIFWA, having been employed with the Schizophrenia Fellowship of WA (now renamed to MIFWA) as the Executive Officer in the mid-nineties. Ann became a member and Board Member of MIFWA in 2011, and commenced as President in 2014, having also previously served as Treasurer.

Through this association, MIFWA has a special meaning and place for Ann. She has a passionate belief in the values and commitment of MIFWA, and the aspiration that it can be the organisation that provides hope, the time and regard to listen, and a deep sense of care for the members and clients who use our services.

Ann has worked extensively within the community services sector in a variety of management positions and has served across a range of Boards, including the Health Consumers Council, Medical Board of WA, WAAMH, Fremantle Multicultural Centre, and as MIFWA’s representative with the Mental Illness Fellowship of Australia. As such, Ann brings significant organisational and influencing skills to the role as President, along with persistence, willingness to listen, courage speak up when required, financial literacy and a strong understanding of board governance.

Areas of expertise
Mental Health Sector Board Governance