We are excited to announce that MIFWA is the beneficiary of a $25,000 donation from the CBH Group Harvest Mass Management Scheme (HMMS).
Developed by the CBH Group and Main Roads WA, the HMMS seeks to reduce the frequency of overloaded grain trucks during harvest. Under the HMMS, growers can forfeit grain from overloaded trucks, with funds from the sale of this grain provided to Western Australian charities nominated by growers and CBH employees.
During the 2019-20 season, $150,000 was raised from the grain sales which has been donated to nine charities. These charities include MIFWA, Ronald McDonald House; St John Ambulance; Foodbank; Midwest Charity Begins at Home; Asthma Foundation of WA; Fiona Wood Foundation; Farmers Across Borders; and Association of Volunteer Bushfire Brigades of WA.
We understand the isolation of the Wheatbelt.
This donation will help boost our activity in the region and our ability to support the community with their mental health and wellbeing.
MIFWA will use the donation to provide personal development and therapeutic based recovery opportunities to grain growing communities in the Wheatbelt region.
We will deliver the popular ‘Daring Greatly’ workshops for families and carers in the local community. Based on the work of Brene Brown, these workshops support resilience building. Furthermore, we will facilitate ‘Art Therapy’ workshops. These will assist people to use the power of art to enhance the therapeutic and recovery process.
Like many of the dramatic and fast paced changes related to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will also be investing resources into providing phone support via our new ‘Reaching Out’ program, a program born out of the COVID-19 restrictions. The Reaching Out Program is for people who have an existing experience of mental distress. The program provides consistent phone or online video support to assist people to navigate the current environment. The levels of support being based on individual needs and preferences.
We would like to thank CBH Group and the HMMS for the generous donation.
Click here to read the media release.