The Theme for Lorikeet’s Open Your Mind poetry competition 2019 is:
“What change means to you.”
This could be what changes you have made in your life or planning to make that would help or has helped in your recovery. For example; you may have started to learn something new, playing a musical instrument, working, learning how to use a computer, or new technology and what it has meant for you.
You may have started exercising, stepping out of your comfort zone, planting a garden and the enjoyment of growing something, going for walks, new relationship, having a new pet, taking up fishing, painting, going to the beach or parks.
There are so many things that you could write in a poem about what change means to you.
Poem guidelines;
- The poems are to be no longer than 18 lines and must have a title.
- Open to anyone with a mental illness or carer of someone with a mental illness living in WA.
- Only two poems for each entrant and they must be the entrants original work.
- Only the first name of the poet will be published.
This will be our 7th Year of the publication of our Open Your Mind poetry book and every year we receive more entries.
Winning poems will be chosen by a professional poetry judge and the winner will be presented with their prize during Schizophrenia Awareness Week. Good luck and remember all poems received will be published in Lorikeet’s Open Your Mind poetry book.
We need your entries by:
Tuesday 11th of May, by 5pm.
Poems can be mailed to: Poetry Competition, Lorikeet Centre PO Box 1006 West Leederville WA 6007
Emailed to: Lorikeet@mifwa.org.au.
Fax: 93819495
We will presenting the winner at Lorikeet’s Open Day during the week of SAW.
Friday 24th May 2019 at the Lorikeet Centre 104 Cambridge Street, West Leederville
Additional Details:
A free light lunch and soft drink will offered. If unable to attend the prize will be mailed to you.
The poetry book will be available for collection or mailing during Mental Health Week in October 2019.