On June 10, a group of Lorikeet members and staff escaped the rain to look at the amazing Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition which was on display in Fremantle.
The exhibition had finally arrived here after making its way through Shanghai, Chicago, Vancouver, Berlin, Vienna, New York, London, Melbourne and many other cities around the world.
The experience offered our members the chance to see a life-size re-creation of each of the 34 frescoes from the Sistine Chapel. It uses highly detailed photos to show every detail, brushstroke and colour in much more detail than you could see if you were checking out the original in Rome.
It was a wonderful excursion with lots of impressions from the magnificent artwork of the 16th century. Members were also very interested to listen to the audio provided by the exhibition detailing interesting facts about every artwork of the chapel. The most famous one being the creation of Adam. It was well worth a visit!
About Lorikeet Centre
Lorikeet Centre has been supporting people living with mental illness for 27 years. The centre is underpinned by the importance of peers, providing a place for people to go without judgment, and to be set up with supports if they are in need.
Members also get to enjoy many activities such as social outings and art therapy.
Lorikeet Centre is located at 104 Cambridge Street, West Leederville 6007. To find out more, call us on 9237 8951.